Learning a new programming language has always seemed like a daunting task to me. Having to learn the nuances and syntax of a new programming language seems like the greatets hurdle one has to jump. Prior to learning some Javascript I was lucky to have been taught Java. The two languages are so similar that they’re nearly identical at first glance. However, from my experience of learning basic Javascript through FreeCodeCamp’s basic Javascript course I’ve found that there are less restrictions in Javascript than Java.
From my experience so far, I think Javascript is perfect for a software engineering classroom environment. Why? The purpose of the class is to learn how to create software not to learn how to code in a specific language, there are other classes for that. The simplicity and flexibility of Javascript allows students to focus on what to code instead of how to code. I think simplicity doesn’t come without drawbacks. One such drawback could be a lack of understanding in the different types of variables becuase Javascript has only one variable that can hold all types of information. So, I think Javascript should not be used as a foundation for coding but for those who already have a foundation and need a language that quick and easy.
I think coding is stressful enough by itself and coding under stressful circumstances certainly amplifies the stress by a considerable amount, such that one may not be able to think clearly or cease to function at all. In ICS 314 at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Professor Philip Johnson teaches his students how to combat stress by subjecting them to WODs(workout of the day), which imposes restrictions, such as time, found in situations like interviews. According to Professor Philip Johnson working under stress improves your tolerance to stress over time. I think these WODs are important practices that will prepare me for the future. Under Professor Philip Johnson’s instruction I expect to see the threshold of stress that I can handle increase significantly.