My Path

31 Aug 2017

During my time in highschool I lived in the “now” and not “tomorrow” so I didnt make plans for my future. My first couple years in college consisted of me drifting through various departments. I stopped drifting when I took ICS 111, the introductory course to programming. I became enamored with the lines of code behind every program, I just had to learn how to make my own.

A year after taking ICS 111, I found myself spending my own time learning and trying to figure out how to use different developer tools. Some of these tools, that I’ve become familiar with, are Android Studio and Unreal Engine. With these tools I was able to create simple games that could be played on mobile devices.

After spending some time working on games I became curious as to how different devices communicate to each other and how data is transferred wirelessly. I believe what the future has in store for us is autonomy and wireless communication between different devices and machines. Such as tesla’s self driving cars and various automaker’s plans to create cars that can talk to each other in order to be fully autonomous. For such a future, I hope to develop skills that would allow me to create artificial intelligence that is capable of many things.